What is the Purpose of Pre Employment Screening
What is the purpose of pre employment screening: Applicant screening is a very important task that you have as a recruiter. However, analyzing 100 CVs for a given position and choosing who to move forward in the hiring process based on incomplete and insufficient information is an overwhelming responsibility.
That’s not a secret that a well-developed candidate tracking system can help you avoid bad recruitment and aid in your search for the perfect Applicant, but if that is all you are using, you might end up recruiting someone on wrong pretenses. As per Hire Right, fifty-two present of all job applications contains inaccurate information. That is the only purpose of pre-employment background Screening in Delhi. Contact HR investigation private detective agency in Delhi.
If you are not performing background investigate and continuously preparing pre-employment screening investigation in Delhi you truly don’t know if everything presented to you is in fact true. If you are on the fence about pre-employment screening investigation just remember, recruiting the wrong person could end up costing you thousands of rupees. Whenever you extend your next job offer let’s go over the importance of knowing exactly who you are offering vacancy to. That’s why the purpose of pre employment Screening investigation in Delhi.
Why Drug Screening is Important
Do you know that seventy-five percent of substance abusers are working?
If you are not regulating drug screens or investigation as a part of your employee onboarding you might get yourself in difficulty. The candidate who struggles with substance abuse tends to have higher absentee rates than their drug-free counterparts, making them 2.5x more likely to be absent at least 8 days a year. That’s the purpose of pre-employment background Screening in Delhi. Contact HR investigation private detective agency in Delhi.
Even workers also are more of a flight risk to speak. Changing jobs around three times a year is not a rare incident for these individuals.
Can you spot the expansive trend here?
Shocking Cost of Bad Hire
Hiring the wrong person can end up costing you more than just their salary; on average employers lose 79% of negligent hiring cases. Wondering how much that amounts to? As per the HR Management, those litigation averages in huge amounts at the time of settlement. That’s the purpose of pre employment Screening investigation in Delhi question begs, would you rather find a company that offers credible pre-employment screening, or trust your instincts when hiring?
The threat of Internal Theft
According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 75% of all employees steal at least once. Worker theft may not always be apparent. it could be in the form of merchandise, exaggeration of hours, or simply taking home office supplies. With such a large number of employees committing acts of theft, it would be pure ignorance to say pre-employment screening would rule all of this out, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt. Especially when you consider that 30% of all business failures are caused by employee theft. That’s the purpose of the pre-employment background investigation in Delhi. Contact HR investigation private detective agency in Delhi.
If you still are not sold on pre-employment screening investigation, select and look at the facts and see for yourself just how much recruiting the wrong candidate could cost you.